The Incredible Benefits of Gila Monster Venom in Modern Medicine

Arizona is home to a diverse range of wildlife, but one particular creature stands out for its unique contribution to modern medicine: the Gila monster.
“I think it’s the iconic Southwest desert animal,” says Bradley Lawrence, Curator at the Phoenix Zoo.
While the Gila monster is a well-known reptile, it spends the majority of its life underground, making it a rare sight for many.
“They can get to be 20 inches or so, it’s a large lizard,” Lawrence explains. “It’s the largest lizard in North America.”
Not only is the Gila monster large, but it is also venomous, making it a creature best avoided.
The venom of the Gila monster, while dangerous, has proven to be incredibly beneficial for those with type-2 diabetes.
“It lowers blood sugar, it acts like insulin,” Lawrence highlights.
Research on animal venom for medical purposes is not uncommon, with snakes, leeches, spiders, and even Komodo Dragons being studied for their potential benefits.
Dr. Dan Quan, an Emergency Physician and Medical Toxicologist at Valleywise, explains that the Gila monster venom contains a protein that mimics human insulin production.
As a result, the venom has been instrumental in the development of type-2 diabetes drugs, such as Ozempic, derived from Gila monster venom.
While Gila monsters may be dangerous, their venom has played a crucial role in saving lives and advancing medical research.
“All animals out there can contribute all kinds of things in our life,” Dr. Quan expresses. “If we can find something that will help us all, why not? I think it’s amazing.”
Overall, the Gila monster serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting wildlife and the valuable contributions they can make to human health.
Remember, it’s illegal to pick up or touch a Gila monster, so admire these fascinating creatures from a safe distance.
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