Fall is here, and with it comes the joy of sipping on a pumpkin spice latte and wrapping ourselves in our favorite cozy sweaters.
VERIFY has provided answers to four intriguing questions about the fall season, shedding light on whether summer weather affects fall colors and if the sky appears bluer in the fall.
Is there a difference between meteorological and astronomical fall?

Meteorological and astronomical fall are two distinct ways of defining seasons, as explained by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Meteorological fall starts on Sept. 1 and lasts until the end of November, based on the temperature cycle. Astronomical fall begins with the autumnal equinox, which falls on Sunday, Sept. 22 in 2024, marking Earth’s position in relation to the sun.
Do summer weather conditions affect fall leaf colors?

Summer weather conditions can impact fall leaf colors, with factors like drought, moisture, and temperature playing a role in the vibrancy of the colors. Adequate rainfall promotes better leaf health, while sunny fall days enhance color production.
Does the sky appear bluer in the fall than in the summer?

During the fall, the sky may appear bluer due to the position of the sun and decreased humidity, allowing light to scatter more evenly. This phenomenon intensifies the blue color, creating a mesmerizing autumn sky.
Is there any pumpkin in pumpkin spice?

Pumpkin spice does not contain pumpkin; it is a blend of spices like cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and allspice. The name is a nod to the spices historically used with pumpkin dishes. However, certain coffee shops may add actual pumpkin to their pumpkin spice drinks.
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