With the upcoming 2024 presidential election, Vice President Kamala Harris is drawing attention to her economic policies following her nomination at the Democratic National Convention. Harris has expressed support for President Joe Biden’s 2025 fiscal year budget, with one notable policy being a tax on unrealized gains.
There has been some confusion surrounding this proposal, with claims circulating online that Americans would be taxed on the increased value of their homes even if they don’t sell them. However, it’s important to clarify that this tax would specifically target individuals with a net worth of at least $100 million.
The Question
So, does the Biden-Harris unrealized gains tax proposal mean most Americans would have to pay taxes if the value of their home increases?
The Answer

No, the Biden-Harris unrealized gains tax proposal does not require most Americans to pay taxes on the increase in their home value. This tax would solely impact individuals with a net worth exceeding $100 million, representing a very small percentage of the population.
What We Found
“Unrealized gains” refer to the potential profit an individual would make on an asset before selling it, such as a house or stock. President Biden’s proposal aims to tax these gains in an effort to create a fairer tax system.
However, it’s crucial to note that this tax would only apply to the wealthiest individuals, ensuring they pay taxes at a rate of 25% on their total wealth. The proposal aims to prevent billionaires from avoiding taxes on their assets and income by implementing a minimum tax on their accumulated wealth.
For the majority of Americans, this tax would not impact them, as it specifically targets the ultra-rich. By focusing on individuals with a net worth of $100 million or more, the proposed unrealized gains tax aims to promote tax equity without burdening the average citizen.
It’s essential to stay informed about economic policies and their implications, especially as the 2024 presidential election approaches. Understanding the intricacies of tax proposals can help shape informed opinions and decisions as we look toward the future.
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